
Saturday, 29 June 2013

Necromancer wip part 1

It has been a long time since my last update, mostly because of my camera taking forever to set up for decent pictures. I've got the blogger app on my phone now though so hopefully the updates will be more frequent!
This time you get a lousy wip shot of my Necromancer taken with the phone camera. The conversion idea comes from Pil over att LAF and consists of the body of a Metal Magic cleric and the head of Morbius the liche. The neck joint has been hidden with bad putty work and the first part of his hat has been sculpted. I read somewhere that the best way to do hats is in two steps so that's what I did. It still needs trimming though.
In the background you can see some stuff knocked together with the excess putty. A cobblestone base for Aenur, some shrooms and the base for a sign post.