
Sunday, 26 January 2014

Sam, running

A quick phone snap of this lotr mini I had in my lead pile. I think I got it with some other bits when pre-ordering Warhammer 7th edition. I stopped playing that same year, but not before buying a box of warriors of Minas Tirith and some uruk-hai.
I'm a bit tempted to start some warbands up for Saga Lotr gaming after seeing some brilliant stuff over at LAF. We'll see about that.

Edit: Updated dwith a decent photo while shooting my thugs.

Friday, 24 January 2014

What I painted in 2013

I'm a terribly slow painter. But somehow I still managed to paint some lead last year. Hopefully I'll get some more painted this year, but painting slow and taking my time has really improved my painting. My two warbands are nearly finished now, the shadow warrior still need a decent mage (should have gotten the Mordheim elf mage before GW pulled the plug on Specialist Games) and the Undead could use some more zombies and ghould. The dregs are in the painting queue, they should be finished in 2014 at least!

The group shot.

The Shadow Warriors

Metal 6th ed Shadow Warriors from GW

Aenur will be used as a Shadow Walker


Dire Wolves from Otherworld

Armored Skeletons, also from Otherworld

Vampire from Reaper